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Get added advantages with different types of CMS

Content Management System (CMS) is computer software which facilitates the publishing, posting, uploading, editing, review and maintenance of documents and materials electronically.

not unlike we have Inventory management systems for looking after purchase and orders, Content Management Systems help in an orderly and coherent flow of content on computer and websites.

There are a number of Content Management Systems in place for easier and smoother work functioning. They range from the proprietary to the modern web Content management systems. There types are suited to different uses and requirements. Some are open sourced while some are typical knowledge based. In all, there are six types of Content Management Systems which are as follows:

  • Enterprise content management system pertains to a bigger picture and takes into account the whole processes and document handling in an enterprise. It includes not only the operations but also the policies, strategies, rules and regulations to be followed while maintaining the essential papers and documents related to an organization.
  • Web content management systems pertain specifically to website postings and content creation for even neophytes who do not know the basics of computers and computer languages.
  • Document management systems are a sub part of the bigger content management systems and include majorly the electronic formats of paper work on computers. Various modules of document management system combine to form enterprise content management system.
  • Component content management systems work at more of a grass root level and take into account each component of a document which is more accurate, detailed and precise. It is more advantageous as it gets into the depth of a single document and thus eliminates the chances of errors and omissions.
  • Mobile and media content management systems are also there which provide greater flexibility and also allow the handling of multimedia content.



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